Friday, July 05, 2013


Back in the day, people tended to believe what they saw on TV, even if it was complete BS. I'm glad I was too young at the time to care that "people over 35" tended toward constipation, and glad that by the time I reached that age (long ago), I could see through the stupidity. A lot of cure-alls were sold by convincing people they were unhealthy, even when they were perfectly fine. I tell my kids, never buy something just because someone wants to sell it you. (via Everlasting Blort)


Old Geezer said...

They had to call it something, so they called it Hadicol. Or am I that much too old?

Old Geezer said...

Ooops. Didn't see that you had covered it a little down the page.

Miss Cellania said...

It was just a coincidence that I ran into that old Hadacol article yesterday, and already had Serutan on my video list.

joel hanes said...

Turns out that "iron poor tired blood" isn't as common among geezers as is too much retained iron. So many of those people taking Geritol were actually harming themselves.

But remember: Gerilog spelled backwards is "letiroG"