Find out ahead of time how bad you are going to screw up a project by using this Murphy’s Law Calculator!
I cased you missed it, here's the video where Dr. Ben Marble told off Dick Cheney. The good doctor doesn't appear on the news footage, but a friend videotaped him. THAT tape will be going to the highest bidder.
How to call a company and get a live human being to talk to you.
The Brits are up in arms over the proposed National ID Cards. Here’s a video “Swizz of the Cards” mocking the plan. You don’t have to be totally politically savvy to enjoy it.
My math teacher sent me this link. Ignore all the educational BS, click where it says something about "use the tools" and have fun spinning the shapes. Try it with the "transparent" on. (Thanks, Joe!)
To get an early start on Christmas shopping, buy some beautiful calendars and help support an orphanage at the same time. Christy has the details.
The ladies at Snarkywood are having a contest. The winner will get to pick the next celebrity snark target. To enter, donate $5 to the Red Cross.
I often stumble across interesting sites when I'm looking for something completely different. Here is a blog from a woman who is trying to break into the acting business. What is really fascinating is that she moved to New York to pursue her dream JUST before 9/11. Afterwards, she moved back home to New Orleans. She evacuated last week, and is once again in New York.
Another DIY kaleidoscope here, with lots of design freedom.
Feels like Rain by John Hiatt (Thanks, Del!)
Ever wonder how exciting a blog from a librarian would be? No? Foxy Librarian is delightfully fascinating. If you are a librarian (and I know quite a few), you might be interested in checking out her links to many other librarian blogs. There are also links to Foxy Lawyer, Foxy Pathologist, etc.

The University of Kentucky WON a FOOTBALL game, beating Idaho State 41-29.
Thought for today: Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
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