Monday, July 22, 2024

A School Uniform that Grows

I read some research a long time ago that a micro loan to a man in a developing country is treated like extra spending money, whereas a micro loan to a woman gets invested in her dream and ends up benefitting the entire community.  

An investment in a girl's education pays off in multiple dividends, for her, her family, and the larger community. We've known this a long time, but it still takes a spark to get that initial investment going. A woman in the comments said that when she was a kid in Uganda, she hated her school uniform because it was way too big so she could grow into it. The school systems vary among the 54 countries in Africa, but the girls of Togo deserve opportunities as much as anywhere else.


Anonymous said...

Flamenco Dresses for little girls in Spain, are made this way - able to last for 4-5 years of growing.

Anonymous said...

Wearing the same dress every day for 5 years? More like a uniform.
I suppose 5 dresses different colors/trim breaks up the week and enables going to school.
But it's still the same old, same old, for 5 years. Depressing.

Miss Cellania said...

It is a uniform. My kids wore uniforms to school every day for six years, and it eliminated some problems, but it wasn't depressing. Many workers wear uniforms for their entire careers.

Anonymous said...

OK, if everyone is wearing the same thing by the rules.
I was thinking about when some are able to choose from a variety wardrobe, and some are limited to this one every day. That would be a drag.