10 Winter Solstice Celebrations From Around the World. They include a couple of festivals that are celebrated in June, because they are in the Southern Hemisphere.
Humans may not have survived without Neanderthals. Except in Africa, where they did just fine. (via Damn Interesting)
Planet Puppet. A weekend at the ventriloquist convention. (via Metafilter)
The Not-So-Grimm Story of Gingerbread Houses.
"It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Potter!" The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.
People Share The Dumbest Customer Questions.
The Grungiest Christmas Song Of All Time. "Feliz Navidad" mashed up with "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
Public services don't need to be profitable, or even self-sustaining. Government should be of, by, and for the people, not the oligarchs.
Twins were the norm for our ancient primate ancestors − one baby at a time had evolutionary advantages.
I enjoyed those articles on Winter Solstice and gingerbread houses. And as usual, Tom the Dancing Bug hit the nail exactly on the head.
Yes, the solstice link was super, now I know how to calculate wind chill...
35.74 + 0.6215T – 35.75(V^0.16) + 0.4275T(V^0.16).
For eons I’ve heard women saying men are horn dogs who will stick it in anything.
From the illustrations I’ve seen of female Neanderthals they weren’t exactly hot babes, so thank your lucky stars those horn dogs kept the human race from withering on the vine.
Tom the Dancing Bug is on point as usual.
The dumb customer questions made me think. We’ve all made dumb statements, like telling the waiter “you too” but normally realize it right away. The ones that astound me are the ones where it’s explained 6 ways to Sunday and they still don’t get it, like the rent-a-car deal.
It baffles me why so many people will vote against there own self interests. Like the dairy farmer in Wisconsin who says if Trump deports all the undocumented aliens he and half his neighbors will be out of business, but he voted for Trump 3 times because “he won’t really do that it’s just campaign talk”.
Twins? Two of me unleashed on the world? shudder
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