Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Year-end Lists 2024: Personal

This has been an eventful year, like they all are. Princess gave me a granddaughter in October! She is a beautiful little girl, born on my late mother's birthday, and named after her own mother (the name is not Princess). I was there in the city when it happened, to stay with my grandson during the birth. Princess lost quite a bit of blood, and was admitted to the hospital instead of going straight home from the birthing center. That was an emotional gut-check for me, since I had never seen one of my children as a hospital patient, but she recovered well. In other news, her husband joined the Army Reserve and will soon become an American citizen.   

I changed Gothgrrl's pseudonym to Dr. Doolittle when she graduated from veterinary school in May. She's also moved house twice, vacationed in Spain, bought a car, and started karate lessons. She's now preparing for her January wedding. Her fiancé successfully defended his dissertation, "Oxy-Steam Fluidized bed Gasification of Southern Pine Biomass, Lignite Coal, Plastic Waste, and Their Blends for Hydrogen Production" published in the journal Energy, and graduated in December. They are Dr. and Dr. but they will be keeping different last names.

A big chunk of my year was devoted to remodeling the kitchen, which I already posted about. The garden was smaller than ever, which is just as well since I live alone. Besides, I couldn't do much canning because my stove was out of commission after the end of June.  

My church decided that I did such a good job as Chairman of the Board that I should do it another year. I try to feel flattered, but it's one of those things that no one else wants to do.  

Tommy (the cat) had most of his teeth pulled, and seems to be much happier with life now. That's sad, because it tells me he was in pain beforehand. Get your pets' teeth checked. Cats and dogs rarely have any trouble eating with fewer teeth. Apollo, at 13, is starting to show his age with arthritis and some hair issues. Marshmallow is a year older than Apollo, but seems the same as ever. Sundae got stuck high up in a tree and was rescued three times this year, each time involving a different stranger on an extension ladder grabbing her and dropping her to the ground. She has now learned that jumping to the ground is survivable.  

My family has a lot to look forward to in 2025. Dr. Doolittle is getting married, Princess and her children will be staying with me for three months while her husband undergoes basic training, and I will be eligible for full Social Security benefits by summer. Meanwhile, we are all holding our breath about the H1B visa kerfluffle, hoping Dr. Soninlaw will be able to continue his energy research in the US. I would hate to see him take his American education and my daughter overseas to find work.

Thanks to you for being a part of my life in 2024, and I wish you a Happy New Year and a great 2025!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your children and their spouses are doing so well for themselves in life! Best wishes and continued success to them, and to you, and to your cats, in 2025! Looking forward to another year of funny and/or thought-provoking memes and videos from you, Miss C.

MarkOfIowa said...

Happy New Year, Miss C- and thanks for the wonderful update! I look forward to spending another year with you and your finds also!

Anonymous said...

I've been following you for decades. Looking good and thrilled for your good fortunes!

Tundra Bunny said...

Happy New Year, Miss Cellania! I enjoy your blog very much as it provides lots of LOLs and some educational stuff too!

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt you will be excellent at Grandma-ing as you have been in Mom-ing, DJ-ing, and Blog-ing. You WILL have a happy New Year.