Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Which Are MORE Viral - Memes Or Real Viruses?

Studying viruses is called virology, a branch of microbiology. Studying memes that spread on the internet is more like sociology. But what they have in common is mathematics. Well, there are other similarities, which is how we came up with the term "viral" for content that spreads wildly on the internet. When your sister shoves a phone in front of you and insists that you look at a goofy picture or watch a certain video, that's analogous to sneezing in your presence and sharing her flu germs. Whether you catch the disease depends on how susceptible you are. Epidemiologists have noticed similarities in the way both memes and viruses take over the world and then die back. Knowing that, I guess I've been some kind of superspreader for the past twenty years. But only of memes, not viruses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are, for 20 years a superspreader of giggles and guffaws.
We the great unwashed thank you very much.