Thursday, June 06, 2024

Honest Trailer: Civil War

The A24 movie Civil War was meant to be relatable to our political divisiveness in America. But the movie very obviously did not want to come down on one "side" or another, so they tried to fictionalize the context of the war, with nonsensical details like Texas and California teaming up with each other. But making up an entire fictional rationale for a new American civil war was too complicated, so they mainly just brushed over the actual reasons for a war, and that left viewers bewildered.

Screen Junkies has a lot of fun with that concept in this Honest Trailer. Yet, like the critics, they liked Civil War. The lavishly constructed battle sequences make the whole thing worthwhile, if you like war movies. Commenters overwhelmingly praised Jesse Plemons for his small, uncredited role in which his acting skills shined brightly. Civil War was the number one movie for two weeks and outperformed it projected box office. 

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