Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bossy Comes to Dinner

Some people say their pets are like family. Some pets just wanna have some of that delicious food you are eating. These two guys were chowing down on pasta and salad when Bossy joined in. But did they stop eating and remove her? No, they just got into a tug of war over the food. You're never going to win a food fight with a cow, and this one's hungry!

People love how randomly ridiculous this short video is, but there's more going on here than you realize the first time you watch. They've got a colander of spaghetti noodles there, but no marinara sauce that we can find, just a bottle of ketchup on the table, which explains the scant amount they put on their pasta. And did you catch the one guy pouring red wine into his milk? See, that's one of the secrets to making a funny video. Make it fast enough, and we will be compelled to watch twice! (via Born in Space)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have a rough tongue too, better to drag foliage into the maw.