Every time I see "Black Lives Matter", to which I wholeheartedly agree, I have the urge to say all lives matter to which I also wholeheartedly agree. But some of the Black Lives people take offence and feel I'm devaluing their cause, so I don't say it. It's not just them, too many people take a narrow fer-me-or-agin-me stance that leaves no room for discussion. Maybe your enemy has more in common with you than you suspect.
Bruce, BLM started because police disproportionally kill Black people and get away with it far too much. The implied meaning is "Black lives matter, too." Because too many police act like they don't.
When you respond with "All lives matter," it comes across as dismissive, like Black people shouldn't complain because police kill white people, too.
Miss C, if they meant to say "Black lives matter, too", then whey did the omit the last word? If you're going to send a message, make sure you're sending a clear message.
Sodtware, Miss C?
My typing skills have always been abysmal. Thanks for letting me know; I will fix that!
My typing has also been abyssal.
Has it sunk to a new low?
Every time I see "Black Lives Matter", to which I wholeheartedly agree, I have the urge to say all lives matter to which I also wholeheartedly agree. But some of the Black Lives people take offence and feel I'm devaluing their cause, so I don't say it.
It's not just them, too many people take a narrow fer-me-or-agin-me stance that leaves no room for discussion. Maybe your enemy has more in common with you than you suspect.
Bruce, BLM started because police disproportionally kill Black people and get away with it far too much. The implied meaning is "Black lives matter, too." Because too many police act like they don't.
When you respond with "All lives matter," it comes across as dismissive, like Black people shouldn't complain because police kill white people, too.
Miss C, if they meant to say "Black lives matter, too", then whey did the omit the last word?
If you're going to send a message, make sure you're sending a clear message.
It shouldn't be necessary. Nobody was ever arguing that white lives didn't matter, that's obvious. But that's how some people saw it.
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