Monday, May 08, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

If you've seen the new Amazon Prime series Dead Ringers, or if you've seen the 1988 movie starring Jeremy Irons, or if you read the novel Twins, then you might want to learn a little about the real life twin gynecologists they were inspired by. (via Metafilter)

A Mother's Desperation Illustrated.

When someone refers to a show that has been "banned" or "censored," it's usually not a violation of free speech by government authorities, but a reconsideration by the producers or TV networks for good reason. Read the stories behind 61 television episodes that were pulled.

Georgina Schuyler, the Woman Who Saved the Statue of Liberty.

The Adorable Shaun the Sheep Sea Slug.

Indiana Jones Is a Great Hero Because He Is a Total Failure. How successful Jones will be in the fifth movie Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny will not be revealed until the movie opens on June 30. (via Digg)

How to Make Mystical ‘Fairy Butter.’ (via Strange Company)

Why Government Involvement Destroys Christianity. (via Fark)

Stefano Cernetic, the Prince of Montenegro, or Not.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting theory about state support causing Christianity's decline. I don't know if it's true or not, but anything causing Christianity's (or any other organized religion's) decline is a good thing, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

If Christians vigorously persecute other groups for 2000 years, they can't really claim to be surprised when they themselves are then persecuted.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Georgina Schuyler – The mood and behavior around the turn of the 20th century sounds very familiar today. The public being screwed by robber barons convinced to turn on each other to blame.

Shaun the Sheep Sea Slug – The person who succeeds in discovering how to morph those into copies an inch or two wide will become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

Indiana Jones is no failure, an ordinary human with no super powers survives fantastic opposition and returns with the most valuable prize... knowledge. He also excels in his primary mission... entertain us.

Religion – While I retain my relationship with God I acquired in my youth, I’ve shunned organized religion in disgust with actions of the leadership, and many of the claimed devout, in all organized religions. From the holier than thou attitude to brazen criminality, I want no part of it.