Thursday, May 11, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

What's behind all those art prints that show Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Humphrey Bogart all together in a scene? (via Metafilter)

And the Photobomb of the Year Award Goes to... 

Fighting Food Waste and Feeding the Hungry by the Truckload.  (via TYWKIWDBI)

A Brief Cultural History of Sun Tanning.

The sitcom Arrested Development and the drama Succession are both about dysfunctional family businesses, so a mashup of the two is only appropriate.

Remembering the Golden Age of Airline Food.

How Nintendo Turned Zelda into an Open-World Game.

Researchers Create an Edible Battery. Yes, they had reasons. (via Damn Interesting

5 of the Objectively Stinkiest Humans to Ever Walk the Earth. What we have is one historical celebrity who smelled so badly that people wrote about it (shown above), two people who went a year or more without showering or bathing so their smell was assumed, one doctor with a disgusting experimental technique, and an entertainer who probably didn't smell bad at all.