Wednesday, May 25, 2022


(via reddit)


Anonymous said...

When lawyers run restaurants.

chich said...

At the opposite end of the spectrum, I was in Africa years back. Was looking forward to spicy food as I had met a few people from western Africa. Spent several weeks in Uganda where - kid you not- ketchup was considered too flavourful. Blandest food I have ever eaten.

Anonymous said...

Northwest Indiana??? You mean like Valpo?

Miss Cellania said...

I get takeout from the local Chinese restaurant, and always order the dishes with the "hot" asterisk. None of them are spicy, but at least they are more flavorful than what's on the buffet. You can always add hot sauce.

Miss Cellania said...

I sorely wish we had Indian food in my little town. Cooking those dishes is such a hassle for just one person.