Friday, December 17, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

"A plus-sized Jewish lady redneck died in El Paso on Saturday." Read her amazing obituary. (via Fark

15 Bloody Good Holiday-Adjacent Horror Movies.

Feuerzangenbowle: Germany’s Favorite Flaming Punch. Contains recipes for a party-size bowl or a single mug.

The World’s First Automobile. Depending on your definition of "automobile," it goes back a lot longer than you thought.   

Trump still texts me constantly, like a bad ex-boyfriend. Well, his campaign does, anyway. (via Fark)

What do you call a millipede with more than a thousand legs? You call it Eumillipes persephone, because it isn't a joke.

Smart dog helps his human move tires, and figures out how to carry four tires in one bite. (via Boing Boing

Channeling Squid Game in South Dakota. Pitting desperate people against each other for entertainment is still happening in this modern world.

A blast from the past (2016): 17 Delightful Gingerbread Constructions.


MarkOfIowa said...

Great obituary- a life well lived.

Have a great weekend, Miss C!

gwdMaine said...

I think it would be a lot easier
if we just started calling
centipedes and millipedes
inchepedes and footepedes. This
is why the metric system sucks.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine! Same to you, Mark!

xoxoxoBruce said...

I would not call those teachers desperate people. They were given a chance to pick up some cash to help defray the costs out of pocket for classroom supplies. I also doubt anyone there was looking down on them for doing so. It was supposed to be a fun way of giving, but TV shows have twisted perception. I watched Game of Thrones so I know nordic history, or I watched Breaking Bad so I know about the drug trade. Stuff like this used to be common at schools and recreation leagues. Yeah, I know, so were slavery and misogyny and homophobia.