Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Memes: Why We Love Copies and Copying

It's been almost ten years since we were treated to the delightful insights of Kirby Ferguson and his series Everything is a Remix. We're glad to hear he's resurrecting that series for 2021. Episode one was an introduction to the idea that everything is remix. It's quite long, but very interesting.

This video, which is part two, is about movies, but it's also about memes and how they eventually become remixes themselves. To do that, Ferguson explains what memes have in common with the rest of our pop culture. They are all copied from copies, because we like what's familiar, and we like to know what to expect. That's just human nature. (via Laughing Squid)

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everything boils down to the Archetypes of our Collective Unconscious as described by Jung. This video boils down to that too. The reason I love superheroes so much is that they are simply modern American mythology which express both secular and spiritual ideas in the 21st century. Old wine in new bottles. Everything is old wine in new bottles.