Wednesday, November 03, 2021

The Line Must Be Drawn

Click to the right to advance the comic. He may draw a line, but no one is paying attention. Especially people who feel they must buy Christmas gifts early to avoid supply chain issues. Planning Thankgiving is taking up all my bandwidth, with the school, work, and airline schedules of far-flung guests crashing into each other. I'll have people staying with me for two weeks, six nights, five nights, one night, and others who will be here for dinner. Once I get them fed, then I can start thinking about Christmas. My family members are all adults, so we limit our gift-giving to homemade stuff or food.  This comic is from Tom Hunt at scarecrowbar.


Spellucci said...

The War on Christmas cannot end until Christmas stops its illegal occupation of November!

Bicycle Bill said...
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Bicycle Bill said...

"...Planning Thanksgiving is taking up all my bandwidth, with the school, work, and airline schedules of far-flung guests crashing into each other..."


I was born on the 27th of November, and my father's birthday was the 23rd... and of course, since Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday of November, this means it could be any day between the 21st and the 28th.  This means that, usually within the space of one week, my mother would have the traditional Thanksgiving meal to make (a 15-20 pound turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, candied sweet potatoes, ambrosia salad, the whole schmear) PLUS two birthday cakes to bake.  And since it was the custom in our family that the birthday celebrant could ask for a dinner of his or her own preference (within reason), there were also TWO somewhat-special birthday meals — like spaghetti with her home-made-from-scratch four-hour sauce, or a chunk of roast beef, browned and then pressure-cooked with a HUGE batch of kluski egg noodles so the broth from the beef flavors the noodles — to throw together as well.

So you can just imagine her reaction when she was talking with a casual acquaintance in mid-November and this person asked her if she's gotten a good start on her Christmas shopping and plans.  The look she gave that woman could have melted titanium, and if she'd gone for the jugular and ripped her throat out, no jury in the land would have convicted her.


xoxoxoBruce said...

A couple years back, pre-pandemic, I ordered a christmas gift the third week of September. I was surprised to find out it was coming from China but no big deal, plenty of time. Around Halloween an email said "shipped". The week after thanksgiving I got an email saying,"delivered". What? Tracking said delivered to an address in NJ. They told me the email was a mistake and my package was between Amsterdam and New York. It stayed between Amsterdam and New York for two weeks, then New York Customs for a week. It was delivered Dec 24th.
So it's not too early for christmas shopping.

Both my parents were born on December 27th. My mother said she was 35 before she got a birthday gift not wrapped in christmas paper. More often than not they would both be told, "that's your christmas and birthday gift", on christmas.morning.