Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Dr. Katalin Karikó: The Woman Who Saved the World. (via Metafilter)

How Star Trek's Replicators May or May Not Work. You'll see an example of a thoughtful explanation of a couple of points in this comment, which is fascinating but also illustrates the concept of "overthinking a plate of beans."

On travelling with a disability. A story about getting through an airport helps to explain systemic discrimination.

The Modern-Day Cult of the Temple of Lemminkäinen. Beginning in the 1980s, a cult flourished that revolved around Ior Bock, a Finn who claimed to be descended from mystical ancient pagans. (via Strange Company)

Well, I guess the tortured souls of the damned have moved back into my plumbing again.

The Tale of the Topiary Cat.

The price of disinformation: Teacher no longer at Anacapa Middle School after recorded diatribe makes national news. "Dad, teachers know everything." (via Fark)

The Weird Survival Tactics of the Antarctic Icefish. It has antifreeze instead of hemoglobin in its blood.

The World's Oldest Bridge.

A blast from the past (2014): 10 Downright Dangerous Disney Princesses.

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