Monday, November 01, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Murder, Lust, and The Land That Never Was… In this journey, motivations that could be classified as downright evil contributed to the decline in expedition members, particularly among the Inuit guides. (via Strange Company)

The Poetry of Patent Medicine.

The Science Behind the Appeal of Pumpkin Spice. (via NPR)

UCSB mega-dorm will house 4500 students with two entrances and few windows. Discussions about it are here and here and here.

The Science Behind Six Spooky Lakes and Other Tales of Haunting Hydrology.

Josh Sundquist's 2021 Halloween Costume.

Why do dogs tilt their heads? A new study offers clues.  (via Digg)

Explore the Historic Kilburn Tin Tabernacle. The metal church erected in 1863 was supposed to be replaced within five years, but that never happened. (via Nag on the Lake)

Teddy Roosevelt's Pitchfork Prowess. He wasn't above making hay out of it.  (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2014): 7 American Crime and Punishment Museums.

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

That mega-dorm sounds like a nightmare.