Thursday, November 11, 2021

Getting Past German Immigration

They're not going to let you live there without knowing a bit about the country first. The most important thing to know is that Germans have a serious sense of humor; it's just hard for Americans to detect it without context. This is the latest skit from the Irish comedy troupe Foil Arms and Hog. (via reddit)


jono said...

I have a dear friend whose son took a three year transfer from the U.S. to Germany for work. He took his wife and three kids along. After the first year they decided to stay until the kids finished school. Apparently, things are noticeably better there for families.

Miss Cellania said...

You don't even have to go there to see that. That European-style democratic socialism benefits everyone.

Spellucci said...

@MissC, except the trains. The trains aren't free.

Miss Cellania said...

Still a benefit, as we don't have them.

Bicycle Bill said...

There are rumors of things that carry people that resemble trains, but only in certain areas of the country.   Sort of like the rumors of things like Bigfoot, Mothman, or the Jersey Devil.
