Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Cat Defends Food Dish from Bobcat

A bobcat strolls up while the resident cat is eating. The cat is not going to put up with any creature coming for her food dish, even if it is three times her size. The bobcat seems to be more curious about the cat than the food dish. The house cat is not there to make friends, though, she is there to have lunch! You have to wonder about the wisdom is feeding your pet outside in an area where bobcats roam. This particular kitty is able to take care of herself, but it could have turned out differently if the bobcat had been hungry. (via Boing Boing)

1 comment:

WilliamRocket said...

Wow ! Social commentary in a visual form.

The cat, living in a monolithic style home on an acreage that has been tastefully strewn with large rocks, is obviously well fed with a padded bank balance.

Whereas the bobcat, through no fault of it's own, is living on the streets and hungry.

But the fatcat, sheltered from the sun and rain, well fed and frequently de-flea'd, refuses to share any of it's wealth ... not even 2% of 2%.

The message is clear -TAX THE RICH !