Monday, October 04, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Comparing Cinema's Horror Icons: Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster. I went all the way around the world to introduce a Cracked post.

Mick Jagger Walked into a Bar, and No One Recognized Him. (via Metafilter)

The Surprising Origin of the Chinese Takeout Box. It's an American innovation that originally carried something else. (via Kottke)

Your Order Will Arrive in 19 Minutes.

The Brides ‘Imported’ to Colonial America for Their Brewing Skills.

Who is Tom McCleod, and Why the Sign?  (via Strange Company)

Troll farms reached 140 million Americans a month on Facebook before 2020 election, internal report shows. " October 2019, all 15 of the top pages targeting Christian Americans, 10 of the top 15 Facebook pages targeting Black Americans, and four of the top 12 Facebook pages targeting Native Americans were being run by troll farms." (via Metafilter)

38 Notorious Projects Born Out of Spite.

The Epic Saga of the Garage Door Installation. It is only later, when the pain has worn off and the story has been refined for comedic purposes, that we can laugh about it. (via Metafilter

A blast from the past (2013): Let's Make Some Fall Decorations!


MarkOfIowa said...

Love the story about Mick Jagger!

xoxoxoBruce said...

Ever notice that most Halloween/Fall/Thanksgiving decorations are flammable?

newton said...

Interesting story about women brought to Colonial America for their brewing skills. It was considered a job for women like spinning yarn. My great grandmother's family were early immigrants to California from the UK. I heard stories about how she used to travel to farmland up north to get various ingredients needed for making beer. I would have loved to taste some of her beer! I guess as a preschooler I was too young.

DWVR said...

The story about the garage door installation. $5 Grand to remove a door and dispose of it because of "those crazy environmentalists?" I'm calling big time BS. And that woman who negotiated the job, she doesn't mind making uninformed lies because she's not the one doing the job and being held accountable. Some poor contractor hired by Home Depot has to sort out the expectations she just put into the homeowner's head. as for these guys, well, let's just say that the not very profitable HD jobs are not considered priority for them. (This I know from close observation of small time contractors I talk to.) The moral of this story is to never hire Home Depot to do renovation work.

Miss Cellania said...

DWVR, I've found that no one who is competetant in the trades at all wants to do small jobs, whether or not there is a middleman. It's so much more lucrative to build new buildings.