Saturday, October 16, 2021

Growing a Giant Pumpkin

Ron Wallace of Rhode Island grew a 1223-pound pumpkin in 2014. Better yet, he chronicled the whole thing in a time-lapse video! Let's see... he started the seed early, then moved it to a raised bed filled with no doubt perfect soil, built a greenhouse over the top, regulated its sunlight and shade, and provided it a nice clean porous mat to grow on. Well done! (via Nag on the Lake)


WilliamRocket said...

Thats $US1681.50.

- The Metric Avenger !

WilliamRocket said...

Watching after commenting shows me it is HUGE !

Over 550kgs ! About the weight of my entire family !

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wallace grew one in 2016 that weighed 2,230 pounds (that's 1011.511 kg),21107?