Monday, March 15, 2021

What are the Black Lines on a School Bus For?

School buses in the United States are almost always yellow with black lines down the side. ClawBoss is a school bus driver who is happy to explain what they are for. This short and to-the-point video ends up being more interesting than it has any right to. (via reddit)


xoxoxoBruce said...

I had no clue they were more than rub strips. You find great stuff, thanks.

WilliamRocket said...

Ooh, safety ... although there is a very good chance that guy will have a heart attack and crash the kids into a lake or something.
Don't they do physical testing on bus drivers in the USA ?
He could have a hyperglycaemia attack at any minute, but maybe the six cheeseburgers in his hand will cushion the fall.

That seems mean, but I've just be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes with the doctor failing to inform me of the blood test results I had in January (I only went to see her because I got wiped out by a 'strange' feeling of dying, spelt hyperglycaemia attack) and failing to give me any info about what to do now, and Dr. Google has many conflicting opinions, so I am grumpy and mean !

Marco McClean said...

I remember discovering that if the end of the black-painted channel is open (not folded over) you can flick it with your fingernail and it makes an echoey ray-gun sound, similar to plucking the guy wires of a metal tower. I've even heard it come from ice on a lake. That /pew-pew-pew/ sound.