Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

British people who watched the Meghan Markle interview are horrified at the glut of prescription drug advertisements on American TV. (via Metafilter)

Why Isn't Fish Considered Meat During Lent?

The unused script for episode nine of the Skywalker saga, written by Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly, leaked online a year ago. Now Andrew Winegarner has taken that script, titled Duel of the Fates, and rendered it in webcomic form! (via Boing Boing)

You may have already read articles about the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan, but you haven't read one with a first paragraph this good. (via Fark)

Suffrage and Polygamy in Utah. Granting women the vote in 1870 gave polygamists a lot of political power. (via Damn Interesting)

28 Brilliant Comebacks People Had To These Dumb Reasons Why Some People Don’t Want The Minimum Wage Raised In The US.

Women Once Dominated the Beer Industry, Until They Were Labeled as Witches.  (via Smithsonian)

26 Hilarious Tweet Reactions To Piers Morgan's Departure From Good Morning Britain.

A blast from the past (2015): 6 Cat Breeds With Wild Roots.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those comebacks to the minimum wage debate are great! And accurate.

gwdMaine said...

Have to admit I'm finding the whole Royal
thing quite fascinating. Princess Di was
cool too, but there was no such thing as
social media back then. Really none of
our business to tell our cousins, with
their centuries of tradition, how to
conduct their royal affairs; but, here's
what I think it all boils down to:

Despite the number of feel good stories
and movies with happy endings, it's not
possible for a commoner to marry into a
royal family and live happily ever after.

Marco McClean said...

I think you mean polygamal power.

xoxoxoBruce said...

What is polygamal power? I don't feel dumb because Google didn't know either.

Before reading about all this Oprah interview blow up I didn't know Meghan is black. That's indicative of the level I follow the society pages.

gwdMaine said...

Polygamal being married to more than one person at a time. An argument in defence of polygamy: Ban the legal recognition of polygamal marriages and you’ll still have polygamal cohabitation.

newton said...

I didn't know Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle were longtime online friends and they finally met for drinks and dinner in London, which is where she met Prince Harry and that he started writing bad things about her after she cut him off. That adds a whole different dimension to his attacks on her.

bob said...

A minimum wage is not meant to be your wage for life it's a starter job if you do a half decent job and show up everyday you won't make minimum for long. Raises in minimum wage disincentivizes good work because the better workers end up without raises they have earned to subsidize the barely competent making more.

Miss Cellania said...

I don't know who decided what was "meant," but that's not the way our capitalist society works for many. It would be nice if you could explain this to corporations that have walked away from raises, pensions, training programs, and both pay as little as they can get by with and then lay people off if a mere whiff of lesser profits gets to them. Whether the minimum wage was "meant" by someone somewhere to be just for "starter jobs," it was always meant to be something you could live off without government support.