Sunday, November 08, 2020

SNL Cold Open 11/7/20

There’s no reason to come up with a clever title, since you already know what it’s all about whether you’ve watched it already or not.


Anonymous said...

Sure Joe will stop coronavirus just like he stopped cancer, or don't you remember that

Bicycle Bill said...

Forget about how Mexico was going to pay for it.  Trump couldn't even build a wall, not even with misappropriated money.

If the Tour de France can erase any mention of Lance Armstrong and say that, officially, there was no winner of the event for the seven years between 1999 and 2005, surely we here in America can erase Dumb'old Trump from the record and agree that, officially, we had no president from 2017 to 2021.


Unknown said...

The plywood wall @ The White House was pretty cool.