Saturday, November 07, 2020


(via Fark)


Debra She Who Seeks said...


Bruce said...

Another dad joke.

Bicycle Bill said...

You gotta love watching people who have never camped in a tent before set one up ... like whoever has put up that big blue thing in the center of the picture (or the smaller tent in front of it, for that matter).

See the plastic ground cloth?  See how it extends a good foot or more past the outside edge of the tent?  Looks OK now, but what do you think is going to happen if it starts to rain overnight?  Let me educate you.

Any rain that falls onto the tent or onto that plastic is going to be trapped on that surface like water on a plate, from where it will then seep INTO the tent from underneath, completed drenching anyone and anything — like sleeping bags, 'dry' clothes, food, and cell phones — that is inside the tent supposedly 'protected' from the elements.

The campers will wake up the next morning — or more likely, in the middle of the night while the storm is still on-going — to face the aftermath of what will seem to have been a flood of biblical proportions.  To say that they will NOT be having a good day is a guaranteed understatement.
