Sunday, August 02, 2020

What Do Aliens Look Like?

Aliens in TV shows and movies often have the same size and shape as human beings, which correlates somewhat with the production's budget. But in the real universe, we have no idea what alien life would look like, even intelligent life. What if intelligent life already exists, but those beings are so different from us that we can't even recognize that they exist, much less what they are like? They may know we exist, but why would they bother to communicate with us if we are no more important to them than insects are to us? Kurzgesagt gives us some food for thought.

1 comment:

Bicycle Bill said...

Who needs extra-terrestrials?  How about the 'alien' life-forms already among us?  All one needs to do is look at an octopus to realize that intelligent life could come in any shape and form... including a shape-shifting form.
