Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

These Countries Have The Best Food On Earth.

Submissions for Mississippi's New Flag.  The only rules were that the design must contain the words "In God We Trust," and that no Confederate flags are used. (via Metafilter)

How Do People Actually 'Die From Old Age'?

Dinosaurs Suffered From Cancer, Too.

These Strange Rock Formations Have Been a Filmmaking Hotspot for Over a Century. You might recognize them.

Small town newspaper obituary for a COVID-19 victim blames Trump, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and covidiots everywhere.

50 Years of Feeling Bobbie Gentry’s "Fancy."

Fungus Controls Behavior of Zombie Cicadas. (via Boing Boing)

District Judge Carlton Reeves was bound by law to uphold qualified immunity for a cop who abused a man during a traffic stop. But his opinion on the case lays out in detail why the existing law is abusive, inhumane, and downright wrong. (via Metafilter)

A blast from the past (2011): Nyan Cat: Covering the Web in Cute.

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