Friday, August 21, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Generate an ANSI Z535-compliant safety sign with the Safety Sign Generator.  See some great examples linked at Metafilter.

Chocolate Rain. A defect in the ventilation system at the Lindt & Sprüngli chocolate factory in Olten, Switzerland resulted in a spray of "cocoa nibs" into the air, leaving a fine dust of chocolate. (via Fark)

Thousands of chicks arrive dead to farmers amid USPS turmoil. (via reddit)

Thousands of Rare Artifacts Discovered Beneath Tudor Manor’s Attic Floorboards. 

Mississippi Narrows Its New Flag Down to 5 Contenders. Four have a magnolia blossom. (via Kottke

Father of the year?

Nice Old House in Brooklyn. It's only 20 feet wide, but it is over 8,000 feet! (via Messy Nessy Chic

The Golden Age of Computer User Groups. They even met in person! (via Digg)

A Sea Monster in the Belly of an Even Bigger Sea Monster.

A blast from the past (2016): The 11 Oldest Amusement Parks in the U.S.


Anonymous said...

They seem pretty religious down there in Mississippi.

gwdMaine said...

Chocolate Rain

And I've been playing with safety signs for the past hour. It's
going to get me in trouble methinks. . .

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

Bicycle Bill said...

From the article about the new Mississippi flag:

"The legislation that nixed the old flag came with two explicit rules: It must be devoid of any Confederate imagery, and must contain the phrase 'In God We Trust'."
