Thursday, August 20, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

The National Weather Service recorded the hottest temperature in Death Valley since 1913, when the mercury hit 130°F (54.4C) on Sunday. The National Park Service visitor's center at Furnace Creek registered even warmer, although that thermometer is not "official."

The Unkindest Cut: A History of the Bowl Cut. It includes the story of how Moe Howard first came to wear the bowl cut.

The Black Music History Library. This should keep you busy for a year or so. (via Kottke)

They're Doing It Again: The 2020 Star Wars Holiday Special LEGO! (via Boing Boing)

How to Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts Without Deleting Them. 

Here's a spreadsheet trying to keep up with Covid cases at K-12 schools in every state. (via Fark)

This Mom Transformed Every Room In Her House Into A Different Disney Theme.

Why the children of Boomers feel betrayed. Politics opened the chasms between what they say and what they do.

Sculptures acting badly. (Thanks, WTM!)

A blast from the past (2011): Taxidermy Gone Wild.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the statues fighting back -- very funny!

Spellucci said...

Love the Einstein!