Friday, August 14, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

The Party Castle Forgotten in the Jungle for Half a Century. Paronella Castle was a labor of love the first time around, and also the second.

Get off my couch.

She Explains ‘Mansplaining’ With Help From 17th-Century Art. In her new book Men to Avoid in Art and Life, Nicole Tersigni harnesses her skill with a Twitter meme to illuminate the experience of women harassed by concern trolls, “sexperts” and more. (via Nag on the Lake)

Disney Debuts Wheelchair Covers and Adaptive Costumes.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reboot. It's a drama, based on Morgan Cooper's short from last year. (via Uproxx)

How ‘The Way It Is’ Became an Unlikely Soundtrack to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

The World’s First Tunnel Under a River. Back when both digging and building were done by hand.

Concerning cock-cannon craze castrates complete cretin. Curiously, chuckle-headed companions celebrate cretin's cause conspicuously. Collective comedic confusion coalesces. (title nicked from inflatablekiwi at Metafilter)

Scientists say a new ocean will form in Africa as the continent continues to split into two. (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2016): 7 Properties Offered as Prizes in Essay Contests.


Anonymous said...

The "shoot yourself in the junk" story and the "mansplaining art" story ought to hook up just to see how ugly their babies would be (assuming the first one still has at least one testicle left).

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That mansplaining article is hilarious! And true, of course.

xoxoxoBruce said...

I realize mansplaining exists, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, but I think the term is over applied. As with most memes, it becomes elastic and stretched over the far fringes.
If I’m explaining something to someone who I have no idea of what they know, I explain things in detail because it’s those details we assume everyone knows that trip up understanding. If I’m explaining something to a colleague, I know pretty much what they know and can condense it.