Sunday, August 02, 2020

How Not to Cook Rice

Comedian Nigel Ng made a video as his character Uncle Roger and critiqued Hersha Patel's BBC cooking show in which she makes rice. I was shocked to see her draining rice after making it, because that means either the rice is not done or she'd used way too much water. Personally, I rinse rice before cooking. It turns out that quite a few viewers object to the BBC rice cooking method. After the video blew up, the two got together, and it turns out that Patel doesn't cook rice that way at home.

A good time was had by all.


Debra She Who Seeks said...


WilliamRocket said...

"I wince rice ..."?
All those racist protests not having much effect then ?

Miss Cellania said...

Typo fixed. What racist protests are you referring to?