Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Curbside Larry

Don't you just love seeing a librarian shout? Curbside Larry wants everyone to know how easy it is to utilize the Barbara Bush branch of the Harris County Public Library in Houston. Read more about Curbside Larry at Neatorama.


Bicycle Bill said...

I just hope that he is an actual librarian and not just some guy they hired to make a PSA to stand out from the crowd.  My very first (regular) job for which I received an actual paycheck, as opposed to mowing lawns or shoveling show for pocket change, was as a reference page at our local public library.  God DAMN, but I would have loved to work for this guy!!!

Oh, and everything he tells you is true and is not unique to that specific library, although the curbside service may be a little spotty at some other locations....

And another thing he didn't have time to go into — if they don't have the book you want or need, there's this marvelous thing called ILLS (Inter-Library Loan Service).  They can get on the internet (or back in the good ol' days, the phones) and find a library somewhere in their system that does, and they will have it sent to them so YOU can read it!!

Barnes and Noble had better watch their ass.


eta: it turns out that "Curbside Larry" is played by library staff member John Schaffer.  So it turns out he is not the head librarian, but does work for the library. Now I want to meet the genius who came up with this brainstorm.

Debra She Who Seeks said...
