Saturday, August 15, 2020

Cat Burglar has a Shoe Fetish

BJ Ross from Altoona, Pennsylvania, has a cat named Jordan. Jordan collects shoes. He doesn't buy them, though, he steals them from the neighbors! Jordan will often carry a shoe home and then go back to the victim's home and steal the mate as well. Ross employed technology to investigate Jordan's crimes: a surveillance camera, a GPS tracker, and a Facebook group to help reunite the shoes with their rightful owners. It's all made the cat burglar a feline celebrity. (via Bored Panda)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lucky cat, to live in Al-TUNA.

mike said...

Cat shouldn’t be outside roaming at night. Too dangerous, cars, dogs, coyotes, other feral cats with diseases, etc. should be at home