Friday, May 01, 2020

Death Valley Plane Wreck and Rare Plants

Sheriff_Woody_PCT is a botanist. He recently hiked for several hours through Death Valley, looking for plants. In this video, he identifies quite a few rare plants and an animal or two, and finds the tail section of a crashed plane. While any other YouTuber would have jumped up and down with excitement in finding a plane crash, this guy just includes it with the other interesting things he found. As one commenter said,
You know you're really serious about botany when stumbling onto the wreck of a secret spy plane is the least interesting part of your hike.
Anyway, the story behind the crash is pretty cool. No one died in the 1952 crash, and the wreckage is so remote that it was never hauled out of Death Valley. (via reddit)


Bicycle Bill said...

According to the story, the plane was an SA-16 'Albatross'; a twin-engined amphibious aircraft (capable of operating from either land or water), although from the pictures you certainly wouldn't be able to tell. And it goes without saying that somewhere like Death Valley is probably the LAST place one would expect to find an amphibious aircraft!


Anonymous said...

I don't mean any disrespect, BUT, this guy is clearly copying the work of the amazing Joey Santore, AKA: Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't. Look him up on You Tube. Joey is the hero we need now.