Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Where Geek Culture Came From

Artist Andrew Dobson takes note of how women geeks are treated online (and elsewhere), and has a bit of backstory to lay down on you. 

So much of geek/nerd culture has been shaped by women over the years, and yet people often overlook it all. They’ve not part of some new “SJW agenda,” they’ve been there since the beginning.
(via Geeks Are Sexy)

See more on Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Marston and Olive Byrne, Lucille Ball, and Marcia Lucas.

1 comment:

Jimbo said...

Also a black slave woman invented the cotton gin, not Eli Whitney. He just stole her design and patented it himself.

A woman invented the first submarine torpedo.

Ok, these have nothing todo with geek culture. Still...