Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

Hundreds of wacky, obsolete laws still exist. Why don’t more states remove them?

La Tamalada: A Christmas Tamale Tradition. Recipe included.

How I Get By: A Week in the Life of a McDonald’s Cashier

Church nativity scene puts the holy family in cages, because that's how America deals with asylum-seekers like Christ.

Do you mind!? This bird is no birdbrain.

The Difference Between Snakes and Lizards Without Legs. As if you were going to stick around either of them long enough to observe those differences.

You Better Watch Out! Vintage Scary Santa Snapshots. (via Digg)

My Grading Scale for the Fall Semester, Composed Entirely of Samuel Beckett Quotes. (via Nag on the Lake)

Very rare footage of a tree being assembled.

A blast from the past (2012): Messing with Mother Nature: Snakeheads.

1 comment:

Bicycle Bill said...

The real reason some of these archaic laws are never struck down is, I think, due to concept of unintended consequences.

Let's assume there is a law somewhere that says it is illegal to cram tennis balls into the toilet.  Ridiculous law, right?  So why not get rid of it?

Because within two weeks there wouldn't be a tennis ball to be found anywhere within the state, because once it's OK to do it, people will have stuffed them all into the toilets.
