Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tweet of the Day


Bicycle Bill said...

Amazing, isn't it, that in many countries people can speak two or more languages reasonably fluently — but here in America, most people will take a perverse pride in the fact that they can only speak something that passes for English?


Jane said...

I am amazed at the fact people feel they can tell a stranger not to speak a particular language. WTF

Bruce said...

Yet, Americans will go to a foreign country and expect them to understand English. Plus go around speaking English to each other.

jamie said...

Heard this story: over in the UK, two people were speaking something not English. A man insisted that they stop speaking "that shit" and speak English because they were in England.

One of the two offenders turned to him and said, "We're speaking Welsh, we are in Wales, so sod off".

Miss Cellania said...

jamie, even better, the Welsh woman was wearing a niqab, indicating she is Muslim.