Tuesday, July 02, 2019


I must be some kind of outlier. I'm a 60-year-old Baby Boomer who comes home from my day job and then does contract work on the internet. I grew up without fancy technology and still never had a job that covered all those expenses (but I was able to cover the first four, as long as the house and the car were really crappy). I feel both privileged and envious at different times, and think that there are more people like me than one would think by reading the generalizations all around us. This comic is from Jeff Lofvers at Don't Hit Save.


chich said...

You are likely right. The internet is not a good gauge of life in the real world. Small items are picked up on and magnified all out of proportion.
My millennial nephew has just bought his 3rd house while I have several boomer friends who are looking forward to 'freedom 97'.

Miss Cellania said...

What is 'freedom 97' ? I Googled it and got a gun model.

chich said...

Retirement at age 97. There used to adverts for "freedom 55" from financial companies.

Jane said...

I am pretty much right there with you, Finally bought a house at 52, decent but small car. Saved for retirement then took a layoff from my job at 67. Am now retired but working a part-time job so I can have a bit more freedom. Can't wait to sell the house and get out of NJ. American dream does not include big mortgage payment when you are retired.