Monday, October 19, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

John Cage's 4'33”. The story behind that baffling composition.

23 Two Sentence Horror Stories That Will Scare The Hell Out Of You. You can fill in the rest, but don’t carry it around with you.

The Omen: The Pedigree of a Horror Classic. The movie was influenced by more than just the book of Revelation.

10 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid. Murder and rape and mayhem, oh my!

Halloween-Themed Movies, Ranked. You can select the best, or watch them all!

There was only one photograph of outlaw William Bonney, also known as Billy the Kid, in existence -until now. A vintage photo has been verified by a team of experts as depicting Bonney playing croquet during a wedding reception.  (via Metafilter)

The Untold Story of the Ermahgerd Girl. (via Digg)

The Hidden History In Hawaii's Massive Underwater Ship Graveyard. They get sent under with a multi-gun salute and more.

A brief guide to Big Pharma. Or, why Americans pay so much more than anyone else for medicine.

Who Was Dr. Frankenstein? There were many men who could have inspired Mary Shelley’s creation.  

1 comment:

Ken D said...

For Sale: One pair baby shoes.
Never used.