Sunday, August 10, 2014

How Does That Happen?

A heart attack at 32. Let’s rewind to see how this happened. This powerful anti-obesity PSA from Your Nutrition Spot gets you right where you live. Makes me glad that my parents never kept junk food or soda around when I was young, and sweets were a rare treat. I have too many diabetic friends who weren’t as “deprived.” (via reddit)


Lee Stewart said...

I spent most of the weekend trying to talk myself into getting dressed and go to the grocery store.

Then I watched this.

I don't need anything from the store.

Anonymous said...

It starts early. That's a fact. And then it becomes ingrained. That's why I get annoyed with those who say "why don't these people have more willpower"? If this is how you've been eating since you were a small child, how you celebrate, how you grieve, you would appreciate how difficult it is to change those habits and stop looking down on those people.