How to twirl your nipple tassels. NSFW.
Russian Wedding Photos: When bad taste and bad Photoshop meet eternal love.
The only thing sillier than making a 60-second version of The Exorcist would be to animate it in Claymation. Except for the doctor, who can be a doll since he has no important emotions to show anyway.
8 Forgotten Kids Shows Sure to Give You Nightmares. If that’s what you really want.
Allie Brosh at Hyperbole and a Half has a new post in which she relates her experiences with childhood nightmares. This, of course, affected everyone around her.
What happens when Antoine Dodson, Gary Brolsma, Paul Vasquez, and other instant internet stars collide in a feature film? An all-meme movie called The Chronicles of Rick Roll.
Incident in a Movie Theater.
I Don't Wanna Marry Until I Have a Job First! Life plans from a five-year-old.
You wouldn't guess it by looking at him, but close your eyes and this guy is Axl Rose. (via Buzzfeed)
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