6 Plot Threads Famous Movies Forgot to Resolve. No, you weren’t the only one wondering about Toto’s fate.
Overthinking it. The curse of the thoughtful person is to imagine the best and then expect the worst possible outcome.
The Rick-Rolling Essay. This student should get an A for effort alone, however misguided.
Stacy posted a list of The 10 Most Annoying Songs Ever and got 154 suggestions and arguments. Sounds like “annoying” is in the ear of the beholder.
Banana War.
Meet Candle Kid - The Kid Who Loved Candles.
This is kinda cute! Click the zombies in the Zombie Tabernacle Choir to make them sing sweetly, if a little bit creepily.
This Belgian cartoon features a pig with a gas problem. But it’s no problem for him as he sings and dances through his day. Warning: earworm.
Weird Al Yankovic is now a grammar Nazi. In this particular case, I’m inclined to side with him.
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