“Let me show you why you would not want to be shot by a 357 Magnum.” Not that I ever did, but this guy drove the point home convincingly.
What to Do (and Not Do) In A Fistfight. Asking for a three-step head start toward the door isn’t a bad idea, either.
The day when we will use microbots to perform surgery from the inside of the body is getting closer. Scientists have figured out how to steer them with electricity. (via Boing Boing)
You like fizzy drinks and pop rocks, don’t you? For a healthy alternative, you can carbonate your own fresh fruit.
Locked in a Vegas Hotel Room with a Phantom Flex. If someone handed you a video camera that recorded 2,564 frames per second, you’d stay up all night playing with it, too! (via Cynical-C)
5 Horrific Murders (and the TV Movies made from them). Read how close the movies are to the actual cases.
Tycho Brahe: The Drinking Man's Thinking Man.
“Wet Houses” are hospices for alcoholics, where they can drink themselves to death. If you don’t want to quit drinking, at least you’ll find a bed and safety from street violence. (via Metafilter)
It looks like the Robocop statue for Detroit is fully funded! The mayor may have to take a second look at the idea.
The Legend of Lincoln’s Fence Rail. He was honest, but still a politician who valued some spin on his best story.
A little car trouble, according to this email from a guy out camping. (via reddit)
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