It's a Small, Small World.
Some monkeys have enough self-awareness to realize when they don’t know an answer, and will tell us if we make it worth their time. It appears that uncertainty is not an exclusively human trait. (via J-Walk Blog)
The 50 Greatest Opening Title Sequences of All Time. For some of these movies, it’s the only part worth remembering.
Scientists can convince people that they have three arms. This could lead to, scientists telling us a Nigerian prince is going to transfer his money to our accounts.
Wedding Traditions from Around the World. If you think these are bizarre, remember they probably think the same of our customs.
NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has identified 54 planets that are close enough to their stars so that conditions for life are possible. The SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) turned their antennas to the most promising candidates for a listen.
The Drinking Bird, a Scientific Toy for the Ages. After 55 years, it still fascinated us to find out how it works.
Six Brands That Don’t Mean What They Used To. Most because they were bought by someone who just wanted a valuable name to trade on. (via Fark)
An interactive graph of income distribution in the US from 1917 to 2008 shows how the rich are getting richer. Everyone else, not so much. (via Metafilter)