Monday, September 10, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Ranking Every Kind of Cooking Oil by How Unhealthy It Is. What you use them for matters, too.

The World’s First War Submarine Was Made of Wood, Tar, and a Bit of Metal. It was used during the American Revolution.

The Marvelous Mod World of Sci-Fi Supermarionettes. Recall those weird Supermarionation TV series of the 1960s with pictures, videos, and a peak behind the scenes.

Mrs. Herman, Monkey Firefighter. NYFD Engine Company #31 really liked their animal mascots.

The Icy Village Where You Must Remove Your Appendix. Villas Las Estrellas in Antartica has a school and a church, but the nearest hospital is hundreds of miles away. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Life Of One Of America’s Bloodiest Hitmen. Jose Manuel Martinez admitted to killing more than 35 men over several decades. (via Metafilter)

Victorian-Era Orgasms and the Crisis of Peer Review. It's been a popular story that doctors during the Victorian era once treated hysteria in women by manually stimulating them, but it might not be the least bit true.

Dogs Never Die.

Arizona Lawmakers Cut Education Budgets. Then teachers got angry.

Robocop is Here, and He's a Car.

A blast from the past (2014): 8 Parasites that Create Zombie Animals.

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