Friday, October 06, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Hand Embroidered Satellite Imagery.

State Fair of Texas fixes embarrassing welcome sign mistake. (via Fark)

Enter Trump's Quantum Mar-a-Lago Realm, where everything is everything all at once. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Meet Warmed-Over Flavor, the Phenomenon That Turns Leftovers Funky. And what you can do about it.

30 Eyebrow-Arching Historical Facts.

This comic succinctly defines the mental load women are often stuck with in the family.

William Rankin: The Man Who Fell Through a Thundercloud. It was not a pleasant experience, meaning it damn near killed him.

Which human population is the most genetically unique? (via Damn Interesting)

The Minimalist Bed: Monastic Bed-Making Is In—And We’re Here for It. I read it, and discovered I have been making my bed this way all my life.


Anonymous said...

Weir glad yore hear. Texas, The Ejumacation Stait

gwdMaine said...

There are two types of people in the world: Those who think there's nothing better than getting into a made bed every night, and those who think I'm an adult now and I'm never making my bed again. Some might call them husband and wife.

Hint: You don't need to make your bed if you never get out of it.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

happy Friday, gwdMaine!

I make my bed, usually badly, because 1. all that cat hair, and 2. everyone has to go through my bedroom to get to a downstairs bathroom.

xoxoxoBruce said...

If I made my bed it would never dry out, I sweat in my sleep.

I feel for you Miss C, the house we lived in from when I was about 7 until I left home the path from both the kitchen and back door, to the bathroom was through my room, so it had to be spotless. No toiletries or comb/brush, or anything else, out in the open on the dresser. Either in a drawer or the closet.