Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Weather Forecasting


Anonymous said...

The beta release of A.I.

Jim said...

Hah! I shouldn't laugh. After graduation from Brooklyn College with a BS in biology, my father went to work for the government in DC at this bureau.
When WWII broke out, he joined the US Army and had the softest duty you could ever imagine. He headed up a three man post in north Africa to report on the weather. Twice a day, radio broadcasts. "Today, hot and no precipitation. Tomorrow's forecast, hot and no precipitation."

Bicycle Bill said...

Up here in Wisconsin we believe the Weather Service rolls dice when they predict how much snow is expected during winter storms, and whatever numbers come up, that's the forecast.


WilliamRocket said...

I call bullshit ... those guys are rugged up so they already know its going to be cold.