Monday, July 03, 2023

The Most Dangerous Weapon is NOT Nuclear

The first three minutes of this video from Kurzgesagt is about the wonderful leaps forward that biotechnology has made and how that benefits us. But then  we get the bad news. The fact that editing genes has become relatively quick, simple, and inexpensive can lead to all kinds of people, governments, and organizations getting into the act of researching or even building viruses. Some of those entities may not be all that secure, or all that competent, or all that ethical. In short, the ridiculous schemes of mad scientists in James Bond films to destroy the world are not so ridiculous anymore.    

But don't let that give you nightmares. The third segment tells us what is being done, and what else we can do, to alleviate those dangers. This video is only 8:45; the rest is an ad.    


xoxoxoBruce said...

So if I buy the cheap equipment to produce these viruses available now, when they clamp down later the Blofeld and Dr No types will pay me a fortune for it.

John M said...

It's a true nightmare!