Saturday, July 15, 2023

Ocean Facts


WilliamRocket said...

Blimming Americans ... as if anyone outside the USA has any idea how big a basket ball court is !

This is where metric would come in really handy, because whales do not have feet.

And cancelled has two L's.

The state of education in the states !

Tim said...

William: quit whining just because your country is different than the U.S. Deal with it or move on.

Google can be your friend: a basketball court is 94 feet long--or 28.65 meters. And since Google seems foreign to you, the longest blue whale is a touch longer than a basketball court, so a standard blue whale on the court would, indeed, cause the game to be canceled.

Anonymous said...

Microsoft says either one or two l's are correct. It's their world now. Bow to your new overlords, Britannia.

Miss Cellania said...

Why would "canceled" need two Ls?

And people play basketball all over. You might not have heard about it, but we had an American basketball player who was paid so poorly she went to play in Russia in the off season, where she got arrested.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't need two L's, but if the rule is applied across the board, life is easier for primary school teachers.

And England has semi-professional basketball. The guy was just looking for an excuse to talk about the metric system. For some reason Brits love to talk about the metric system. As with any religion, it's always the late converts who are most devout.

Bicycle Rider said...

National Basketball League. In New Zealand