Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

How the Carpathia Came to the Rescue as the Titanic Sank. (via Strange Company)  

Headline of the day: Potatoes are better than human blood for making space concrete bricks, scientists say. (Thanks, Brother Bill!)

When the kittens got into the eggnog.

Panda takes revenge on an evil chair, then celebrates too hard.

Year-Long Insomnia: Why Black Bears Have Stopped Hibernating. (via Damn Interesting)

Why All Billionaires Are Evil. Nobody needs that kind of money.

The 72 Seasons of Japan. Keeping up with such things sounds quite pleasant, as long as the world acts normally, which it no longer does.

The Pirate Surgeon's Journals. Everything you ever wanted to know about medical practice aboard a pirate ship. (via Boing Boing)

Fuzzy invasion of domestic rabbits has South Florida suburb hopping into a hunt for new owners. (via Fark)

1 comment:

gwdMaine said...

I'm a devout eggnogstic.